Welcome to “An Idiot’s Diary”. My name is Tyler, and I am a self-proclaimed idiot. My voluntary acceptance of this title is not to be self-deprecating. Rather, it is an attempt to acknowledge, and to come to grips with, my genuinely deep lack of understanding about the world in which I live. However, an idiot, like anyone else, is not condemned to lead a static existence. An idiot may, even in the face of his or her own ineptitude, aspire to something more. As for me, I aspire to a better understanding of this world. This blog serves as a window into my idiotic thoughts and documents my experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Albania.


14 thoughts on “HOME

  1. 12 DAYSSSSSSS. I’m so excited for you!! Can’t wait till you get a mailing address and I’ll send some Ethiopian treats. And you know pcv packages are the best, because we know what you’re missing 😉

    • Yes! That would be awesome. Can’t wait to visit. Hope all is well.

      • just remembered this promise haha – what is your mailing address by the way? I’ll actually get on that!

      • All you have to do is address the letter/package to “Tajler Tompson, Pazar (Perball Xhamis), Gjirokaster, Albania”. I promise it will get to me. But, don’t go out of your way to make the effort. You’re a PCV too and I know those international shipping charges strain our budgets.

  2. Larry A. Thompson

    Nephew, Address at your earliest possible. Googleearth knows no bounds. Stay safe. Uncle Larry

  3. Brendan


  4. Dad
    So great to lay eyes on you via skype today. And love the blog addition. Trust me, God forgives you for forgetting Easter. That’s man’s invention. That you call on Him from your heart trumps all other tributes, it seems to me. The Albania you paint is beautiful to behold; the people who embrace you are our dear friends. Thanks for letting us into your new world. Love you immensely, as always–Dad

  5. Timothy Lwanga

    I am excited for you. You are indeed an idiot “just” taking after you African uncle, Tim.
    The experience you get from your current station may change your views on the world that we live in for a very long time to come. You will always think outside the box of society. Congratulations, you are now genuinely international.
    May God’s grace follow you not only for the next 27 months BUT for ever.
    Much love,
    Uncle Tim.

    • Tim–Thank you for checking in with Tyler. He’s come a long way since you saw him first as a baby. ‘Same kind of growth track you experienced with your lovely daughters. How are they? Stay in touch–John & Carol Thompson

      • Tim Lwanga

        Nice people, it was good to touch base with Tyler. He all the traits of a future president. Watch this space. I never managed to become president of Uganda but my nephew may do much better in the US!
        I am in London with Kirabo. I travel to DC tomorrow. The girls are doing Bowery well thank you.
        I will try to call you from there.
        Greetings to John.
        God bless.
        Much love. Tim.

  6. Really nice blog. Good for you to keep it up with all that’s going on in your life. Be careful with the hitch-hiking. Don’t get yourself suspended out there alone like your father. Poop happens. Love you so much–Dad

  7. Heyyy! Hope all is well it’s nice to hear from you.! How is living in Albania? I am actually in Chile and well it’s been a interesting since I have gotten here 3 weeks ago. ;).

  8. Good Day Tyler!

    Sorry to bother you. My name is Ray Blakney and I am a RPCV from Mexico. I am working on a 3rd goal project with the PC regional offices and the main office in DC to try to create an online archive to keep the language training material made all over the world from getting lost. I have created a sub-section on the website my wife and I run -http://www.livelingua.com – with all the information I have been able to get to date (from over the web and sent to me directly by PC staff and PCV’s). I currently have close to 100 languages with ebooks, audios and even some videos.

    The next step for this project is that I am trying to get the world out about this resource so that it can not only be used by PCV’s or those accepted into the Peace Corps, but also so that when people run across material that is not on the site they can send it to me and I can get it up for everybody to use. I was hoping that you could help getting the word out by putting a link on this on your site at:


    so that people know it is there. There should be something there for almost everybody. It is all 100% free to use and share. Here is the specific page of the Peace Corps Archive:


    Thanks for any help you can provide in making this 3rd goal project a success. And if anybody in your group has some old material they can scan or already have in digital form, and want to add to the archive, please don’t hesitate to pass them my email. Thanks and have a great day.

    Ray Blakney

    • Hey Ray, I’ll put up your link. I’ll also mention your initiative to our Language and Cross Cultural Coordinator and ask her to send you whatever she has on Shqip language learning. All the best.

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